The Spullersee is situated amidst an amazing Alpine backdrop at 1810 m above sea level. It is easily reached by the Lech local bus (subject to toll from Zug) and this lake has everything that the Alpine angler's heart desires.
Whether rainbow, brown, grey, speckled or sea trout, wonderful salmonids can be caught in almost every part of this artificial lake, approx. 50 hectares in size.
Austrian Federal Railways' Spullersee WEBCAM.
Important access information:
Accessing the Formarin by car is only possible via a toll road (€25 obligatory charge) from Zug.
And there is also a general ban on vehicles every Wednesday, and between 8 am and 4.30 pm from Thursday to Tuesday, although the Lech local bus runs regularly during this time (toll + bus ticket charge €24).
Conditions applicable to Lake of Spuller, summer 2024
1. The piscary (right to fish in waters owned by another) is only valid in combination with a photo ID.
2. The piscary is non-transferable and must be presented at the request of a supervisory authority.
3. Each unlawful action will result in a reprimand and the withdrawal of the piscary without reimbursement of the paid fees. Serious infringements of these conditions will result in prosecution.
4. Reimbursement of previously purchased piscaries is not possible. The road may be driven upon only as far as bus stop.
5. The fishing card must be posted immediately afterwards at the letterboxes located at the Spuller Lake bus stop, or handed in at the fishing pond in Zug for the purpose of analysing catch statistics.
6. A maximum of 6 fish may be caught per day. The standard minimum size for trout and mountain charr is 26 cm. Each weighty fish must be immediately and expertly killed and entered into the catch statistics mentioned above. The use of a landing net is being expected.
7. Mountain charr is closed from October, 1st.
8. Fishing is only permitted with a fishing rod and with a protective hook.
9. The catching of minnows is prohibited, as is fishing with life bait fish, corn, ganging and nets. Feeding is prohibited in general. Fishing on the dams is not permitted.
10. The storage of fish in a hoop-net is not allowed.
11. Entrails must not be thrown into the water. Waste and litter must be taken away and disposed of at the points provided.
12. All anglers fish at their own risk. The administrator and the township of Lech shall not be held liable for accidents that occur within the fishing area.
13. Fishing is permitted from 6.30 am to sunset.